I came to this realisation after falling into the parenting void and having completely lost myself. I woke up one morning and realised my life was all about my husband, and my child. It wasn't an intentional thing, it was however a thing that happened more out of necessity. My child was all consuming, he was hungry all the time and a breastfed baby till 2 years old, he never slept through a night until 5, and although terribly cute and adorable sucked the life out of me. I did all I could to make sure that I kept him alive and my husband from having a breakdown from lack of sleep. I had a little mid-life crisis and decided if I didn't do something I would snap. So I did the most sensible thing ever (not), I signed up to a Pilates course that I probably shouldn't of afforded, with exactly no understanding of the amount of time and dedication it would take. I didn't look back; it was the best thing EVER!!
I love learning. I loved the time the course gave me cause I had to get the train to London, time alone to read, or watch tv on my phone. I love eating at restaurants around the corner from the Body Control Pilates office/studio. I loved meeting new people who had similar interests to me. I loved everything about the new path. It was hard work to complete the course and maybe I will blog separately with advise on teacher training at another time as that deserves its own focus.
Doing the Pilates course lead me to realise that I needed to carve out time for me. To make me feel sane (my husband would still argue that I am still a little nutty but hey otherwise I would be boring). It made me realise that unless I do something to make myself happy, I will run on empty and life will be glum. Who wants glum? Be happy, and let your happiness rub off on those around you.
What have you done for you this year....this month....this week...today? If you cannot think of anything then it is time to make a change. It doesn't need to be big thing, it can be small, read a book, have a bath, come to a Pilates class, but do something for you, and do it soon.
Thank you for reading x