It took me forever to get on my fitness journey, there have been a lot of ups and downs, but what in life goes in a straight line? The important thing is to keep your eye on the prize. I like to help support my clients along their fitness path, with the experiences I have had, and the knowledge I have learnt through the courses I attend. Have I come to the end of my journey …no and I never expect to.
"Knowledge is Power"
Pilates is called a practise, this is important to remember you have to keep practising, the more you practise, the more you learn. Learn about your body, your breath, your grit! With that you gain more command of the method, gain more control of your body, and the bigger rewards you reap.
I want to hear where my clients are on their path, and what areas they want to work on.
When thinking of my Pilates, and how I share it. I think about the values I want to share through my business, and how these values can get my clients to the goals they want.
GROWTH - to take you to the next level, to learn how to challenge yourself and to see yourself blossom and grow
EMPOWERED - to gain power via learning the method , so you can manage your own fitness, so you can do it on your own, so you can believe in your strength and confidence of your body
THANKFUL - for the body we have, for the people in the Pilates community that we meet, for the good feeling we receive and for the future we have to come
FREEDOM - to have your body move, without fear, and with control. To release the mind and enjoy mental wellbeing. To be able to enjoy the dance of life
How do I remember this, simply with the acronym/saying GET - Freedom!
Do you want to GET - Freedom?
What's stopping you?