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Writer's pictureChantal K Pilbrow

5 Ways to Get Started with Pilates

It's the new year, and people may have set goals that they are now trying to achieve. You have heard of Pilates and that it's great for strengthening muscles, adding flexibility, and increasing your balance. You have heard that everyone is doing it from the lady next door to Lady Gaga and you want to get in on the action but are not sure where to begin. Well let me help you....

  1. Find the right class for you.

Now what does that mean. I feel a lot of time, it's about finding a teacher who makes you feel comfortable. Finding a time that suits your life, on a day that works for you. Most teachers will have a website and a timetable that you can scope out this information. If you pick a class at a time that doesn't work you are more like to quit when the smallest hiccup comes your way.

2. Grab a mat

You can grab a mat so easily these days with the joy of online retailers such as Amazon, Argos etc, but you can also grab them a lot of the time now in supermarkets. There are lots of different types of mats you can buy but don't get caught up in the detail, when beginning any mat will do. I have had all types over the years, thin ones, fat ones, foldable ones, rollable ones. Ones made from bamboo, one made from cotton. In the end it's just something to lie on so you are not on the floor. I have even had people bring a towel when coming to trial classes before as they weren't sure if Pilates was right for them. I keep some spare mats for anyone who wants to come give Pilates a try.

3. Come with a willing mind

It can sometimes be a little daunting starting anything new, and especially exercise, if you are feeling a little inflexible, a little out of shape. We all started somewhere, and when I started Pilates I had back problems so I found getting on and off the floor without wincing a problem. Having the mindset to give it a go is important. If it's not right for you, there is always an alternative exercise. You may find that if you keep trying the thing you can't do then eventually you find that ooh I can do it now. I had terrible balance, and we practise balance in most classes in some form. I couldn't stand on one leg for 5 seconds when I began. But with a willing mind, and perseverance I can now stand on my leg for 30 seconds without falling on a good day.

4. A friendly bunch

What is great about going to class if you have like minded people to get you into the groove and moving. You want people who are going to smile and laugh and lift your spirits and get you pumped for that session. I left class on Monday and absolutely loved seeing two of my members chatting away as I left. They didn't know each other before meeting at my class and to see people connecting like this always makes me happy, especially as loneliness is rising, 49.63% of adults (25.99 million people) in the UK reported feeling lonely occasionally, sometimes, often or always. Which is a sad figure so if we can connect more the better I say.

5. A rounded workout

You want a Pilates workout that gets you moving through all the planes of motion, in lots of different start positions, working all the different muscle groups. Doing 30 mins of just core exercises is probably going to be boring, unmanageable but also a little lopsided for your body.

If you are wondering when my classes are you can find my time table 

If you would like a FREE taster of any of my classes then please do drop me a line

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