Well, because it is. I am not going to beat around the bush and lie about it 10,000 steps a day is a lot of stepping. I can tell you my step count from week to week is like a merry go round of lots, to very little. Last week when I was doing my flyer drop I was stepping and it was easy to get 7,000 to 10,000 steps in a day, and this week not the same, I have ranged from 1,222 steps all the way to 14,677 steps (let me point out that this last figure was on one day of the week when my husband dragged me up a mountain (ok it might of been a large hill) in a village called Shere to show me a bench. A BENCH! Apparently the bench had a good view. The things we do for love. However if it wasn't for this love I would of had a max of 7,500 steps this week and only on one day. I hear you when you think gees 10,000 steps is a lot.
Let's take a minute and talk about why sitting isn't that fab if you are doing it for prolonged periods. A study found that people who sit without moving are more likely to develop:
Cardiovascular disease
Metabolic syndrome
Premature mortality
If you like me thought what is metabolic syndrome it is risk of type 2 diabetes or conditions that affect your heart or blood vessels.
Let's take another minute to think about why walking is good.
excellent cardio
low impact
mood booster
reduced risk of all the diseases listed on the previous bullet points
promotes good quality sleep
it's FREE!
Just the reduction in all those diseases is a reason to get stepping.
So I digress, let's get back to the 10,000 steps now let's look at this number and where it comes from . Would you believe it if I told you that it comes from a marketing campaign from Japan launched ahead of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. This marketing campaign was a hit and where did they get this figure of 10,000 steps from? Some in-depth study, a mathematical equation....nope they picked the figure because the Japanese character for 10,000 looks like a person walking.
I in advance apologise for my ever so terrible felt tip drawn interpretation of the Japanese 10,000 symbol. It gives you the gist of why they picked it. It kinda looks like two legs walking.
Now we have discovered that the figure has come from the anus of a marketing executive, now what figure should we be looking at when it comes to steps a day. Did they hit the nail on the head and guess the right figure or are they completely off?
Well a new study has shown that quality or quantity when walking is better for health. Ot also stated that to reduce the risk of premature death walking just 8,000 steps a day is associated with improved health and longevity. The study also stated that just 2,800 steps a day was associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease and improved longevity. Did you hear that just 2,800 steps!! However benefits increasing up to 8,800 steps a day. Let me point out, that there is no amount of steps recorded that has been seen to be detrimental to your health.
Let's go back to the quality point. Walking pace is important to add benefits, so walk briskly, to help with cardiovascular disease issue.
Your goal when it comes to stepping is totally individual and will be dependent on how your life is structured, but we can all try and put a few steps in.
If you want to add more steps to your day how can you go about it?
Walk instead of drive
If you can walk instead of drive for the school run. If you have to drive because your commute is just too long, park an extra 15 mins away and walk the last little bit. Same applies if you use public transport get off a stop early and walk that last little bit
Instead of having your hour lunch at your desk or at home at your dining table, portion out 15 min or 30 mins to go for a walk.
Whenever there is a staircase, take it. Take it instead of the lift, a lot of places where they have escalators also just have a flight of stairs, so take it.
We generally could all do with checking out water intake. Every 2 hours go get a clean glass of water to drink, set a timer. You may not have finished your glass of water in the time and that's ok, but it gives you a chance to reflect on whether you maybe should of, and it also gives you a moment to stretch your legs.
Drinks or Dinner
Going out for drinks or dinner this weekend, don't drink and drive, walk to your drinks, and then make a decision whether you should walk back or call a taxi - safety first.
If you have a dog you are probably clocking in a good amount of steps, if you don't have one, then borrow one. There are apps for this, but also there may be older people in the community who might do with the support.
If you meet your friends for coffee, have you considered a coffee on the go. I love meeting my daytime friends for a catch up and a walk. Or a walk and then a coffee.
Park Run
Do not let the word run put you off. My friend and I used to go each week and walk the course, be right at the back, and then at the end stop in at the coffee shop, we used to shoot the breeze as they say and it was really therapeutic. Fresh air is wonderful for your lungs. If you want to know where your local park run is click the link https://www.parkrun.org.uk/
Are you a TV addict? Nope, just me then. Have you considered just stepping from side to side for the first 15 mins of your show, and then sitting down. I have paced my lounge before while watching a show and you may feel a bit strange the first time you do it. Your husband and child may make a few comments but you will feel better for it. Eventually my said child joined in, and we both looked mad, going up and down the lounge.
In the end your goal is unique to you. Start tracking how many steps you are currently doing, if you have an iphone it has an inbuilt pedometer in it, there are apps you can download also for iphone and android or you can use a step watch there are many out there and they come in a range of prices. I just use my phone. Once you know what you are currently doing, you can try and up the amount of step. Make the changes small and doable so that it is attainable and you can keep wanting to do it week in and week out.
Currently as I finish typing this my step count for today is 141 steps and it is 10:30. I think it about time, I go grab a glass of water, and plan how I am going to get my step count up for today. I am not planning on reaching any massive peaks, just 3000 steps. Can you hit your step target for today?
If you think that you would like support with walking, I am always happy to have a walk and a chat, if you live nearby we can meet up in person, if far away happy to arrange a phone call and a walk. Just ping me a message.
Thank U for reading, and please do leave me a thumbs up or a comment.